When CSM Tube manufacture any kind of tubing, we subject our products to the most rigorous quality tests available, ensuring that every product we deliver meets the standards demanded by customers.
For example, heat-treated steel piping can be subjected to pressure tests in both air and water, simulating real world environments and testing the structural integrity of the materials we use. We can also carry out a range of hardness tests on any thickness or diameter of tube, checking the strength of the alloys we use to make sure they meet recognised standards.
We can carry out reliable penetrating liquid tests to check for any leaks or weaknesses, ensuring that pipes are suitable for use with liquids. And we also use precise in line laser diameter control and micrography to achieve the greatest possible degree of accuracy, keeping our piping within specified tolerances while delivering products which meet the requirements of our clients.
Whatever piping you require, it will be thoroughly analysed and tested by our staff. For reference, these are the main tests we offer: